We will work together to develop an individualized, holistic plan, based on your goals. This plan may focus on one specific service area, or combine multiple. All services are provided in a safe and welcoming virtual/online environment.

In all services, we value student agency and choice. This is your journey, and we are here to collaborate and partner with you along the way.


Navigating College Accommodations

Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) end once the student leaves high school. What happens next? We will walk through differences between high school and college accommodations, identify steps to request accommodations at individual schools, review documentation required at the college level, and more.

blank notebook and coffee

Executive Function Coaching

Developing strong executive function is significant for an effective transition to and through college. Using a strengths-based approach, we will identify and implement strategies to empower you with the confidence to independently manage your time, responsibilities, and school/life balance.

hands typing on a laptop

Self-Advocacy Skill Development

In high school, the responsibilities of implementing a student’s accommodations largely falls to the parents and teachers. A substantial shift occurs upon entering college, where the student becomes responsible for disclosing disability, requesting accommodations, and advocating for their rights. Together, we will develop your ability to identify your needs, communicate them clearly, and help others understand how they can support you.

plant and pink coffee mug with book